Wronker, Leszynski and Markowicz + the Freudenheim Connection


Grave of Regina Leszynski Markowicz (1874-1935) in Breslau, Poland


Mother of Regina Leszynski-Markowicz (1874 - 1935)

Portrait of Mina Wronker - Lezsynski, (d. 1913)

Portrait of Mina Wronker-Leszynski, (d. 1913)



Mina Wronker married Jacob Leszynsky (no photos):


Mina's parents:

Moses Wronker (1808-1875) and Paulin-Pesse Rosenbaum Wronker (1812-1876)

Murowana Goslina, Germany (today in Poland)


Paulin and Moses Wronker (1808-1875). He had a sister; Esther Wronker (1807-1876) (no picture at this time).

Esther Wronker married Simon Freudenheim (no picture but there is an internet site) .

Ernest Freudenheim (1904-1986, the Grandson of Moses), got family information from his great aunt Jenny Wronker - Zilberberg (1848-1928) who is also mina Wronker-Leszynski's sister, sometimes in the 1920's, so, this is the Wronker-Leszynsky-Markowicz-Freudenheim Connection.


So we (the Markowicz's) have Freudenheim cousins today in the US, in the UK and may be even in Israel. That is news!



back to the information about -

Julius Josef MARKOWICZ
b. 6.10.1868 Dobrzyca
d. November 1942, Teresienstadt

Perished in the holocaust



b. 2.5. 1874 Murovana Goslin
d. 12.12.1935 Breslau


Poland-Germany-poland. Julius lived in GoetheStrasse e-21, Breslau, poland, in 1941, before the deportation



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